6pm Gathering, Video screenings (extracts from American and Hungarian slam videos) 7.30pm “V4” Lecture, Public Talk Main theme: development of poetry slam and spoken word in Eastern
and Central Europe, with special regard to the V4 area. Moderated by Gabor Gyukics. 9pm Open Mic (Sign-up: contest@slampoetry.hu)
Coordinated by: Slam Poetry Budapest (SPB) Main languages: Hungarian, English.
June 7, 2013 – TILOS SLAM SHOW /DAY2
@ Durer-kert
(XIV Budapest, Ajtosi Durer sor 19-21. http://www.durerkert.com/)
Opening of TILOS MARATHON fundraising week
5.30pm: “V4” Slam Radio Act - Live radio broadcast
with Czech, Slovak, Polish and Hungarian slammers (discussions & slam acts on air).
Moderated by Gabor Gyukics.
10pm: TILOS SLAM - V4 Showcase & Competition Theme: Independence
András Kover (H)
Bohdan Blahovec (CZ)
Endre Szkarosi (H)
Eszter Tolnai (H)
Grzegorz Bruszewski /Estragon (PL)
Istvan Pion (H)
Jan Pawel Kowalewicz /Roman Boryczko (PL)
– current Polish slam champion!
Kristof Horvath /Szinesz „Artist” Bob (H)
Marie Cernikova /Bio Masha (CZ)
– Winner of TILOS SLAM2! (2010)
Mark Suveg /Saiid (H)
– current Hungarian Slam Champion!
Marton Simon (H)
Michal Kovac (SK)
Peter Molnar (H)
Peter Muller Sziami (H)
Tamas Gabor /Indiana (H)
Vlado Jancek (SK)
Zsofi Kemeny (H)
Blahovec Bohdan (CZ)
Jan Pawel Kowalewicz (PL)
Hosts: Kata Mavrak /Hugee & Peter Nemeth /Zeek (SPB) Music: Amoeba VJ: Blowing Bulbs (Kiego Izzok)
DJ Cadik
DJ Palotai
@ Akvarium
(V Budapest, Erzsebet ter www.akvariumklub.hu/ )
A large-scale nationwide slam competition involving Hungarian high schools,
organized by literature magazine Irodalmi Jelen.
Bio Masha is originally a set designer, who is interested in hits, pop, virtual social networks, profile photos, advice, discussion, comments, comments of comments. The way people look, and want to look like, how they present themselves and want to be presented. She wanted to shoot clips, so she got involved in music, theater, rhymes and rap. And poetry slam. Urpop is the name of her research. There is something to hear everywhere. Noise, smog, ear dirt of public spaces. Nowadays she likes to play gastro music, her wish is to play hits, songs that people feel they know, and don´t realise that she makes them up right there on stage, while the audience is eating. She sings and raps in 3 bands: Debby Love, DIAkritika and Chodska Junta. She also has a monthly improvised radio show on Czech Radio Streetculture.
This is the second time she takes part in an international slam event organized by Tilos Radio, supported by the Visegrad Fund. The first time she came to Budapest in 2010, she not only participated in all programs with great success, but also won the final contest of Tilos Slam 2.
Bohdan Blahovec describes himself as a coincidental victim of poetry slams. He has already won the Czech National Championship, it being the first competition he took part in. Since then he has been seen as a pioneer, largely thanks to his completely improvised performance at the Czech Masters in 2005. Since that time he took part in several international Poetry Slams across Europe, with his own Schengen language, based on the combination of Czech, English and local language of the country he is in at the moment.
Mišo Kováč a.k.a. Bruce Lee Bratislav is a writer, rapper and slam poet. In 2000 he published a collection of short stories called „Čo sa nás týka“ („What concerns us“) which won a prize of the Association of Slovak Writers and was voted to Debut of the year 2001. He is founding member and songwriter of the band Režimy (The Regimes) whose eponymous debut album received major media attraction in 2011, including an article in UK´s The Economist. He is active in the slovak slam poetry scene since 2008.
Vlado Janček is a writer, performer and slam poet. He is an author of two books of humoristic poems Motylov (About Butterflies, 1999) and Kocurov (About Cats, 2009). He also writes different dramatic works for Slovak Radio, theatre plays and short stories. He translated the children´s poems of the Hungarian authors Kukorelli Endre and Varró Daniel (with Eva Andrejčáková). Since 1993 he participated for about 15 years as an onstage improvising author in various dramatic improvisation contests, then he switched his interest into slam poetry events. He is a co-founder, music composer, lyrics writer, guitar player and singer of a Slovak alternative rock band Satenove Ruky (Satin Hands).
His stage name is Roman Boryczko. His poetry is interpersonal undress and scenic loneliness dressed in waiter's treadmill. Performed as stories and voices of characters passing through his mind and hardheadedly impersonated. Presented both in homeland (Poland) and abroad, so far within reason. He represented Poland at the European Poetry Slam Championship last year in December in Antwerp, Belgium as the current Polish slam champion.
Nazywam się Roman Boryczko. Międzyludzkie negliże i teatr jednego naturszczyka podczas gastronomicznego kieratu to moja poezja. Wykonuję ją w formie historii i wypowiedzi przewijających się przez moją głowę postaci, które uparcie Wam przedstawiam. Występowałem z nimi w Polsce i poza nią w granicach zdrowego rozsądku.
Grzegorz Bruszewski (Estragon - PL)
Grzegorz Bruszewski aka Estragon (born 1981) – poet, performer, slammer. Has performed all over the place, from Warsaw to Tokyo. Organises and hosts the oldest and longest-running slam poetry contest in Poland. Teaches at creative writing workshops. Included by Życie Warszawy (Warsaw's daily newspaper) among the top 50 cultural activists based in the Polish capital. Co-author of the album "Olbrzym" released by skwer.org, a label he's also a part of. He took part in Tilos Slam 2 at Siraly Budapest in 2010, in the duo-formation of Teges Szmeges along with Wojtek Chichon, with the support of Visegrad Fund.
Grzegorz Bruszewski aka Estragon (ur. 1981) - Poeta, performer, slamer. Występował od Warszawy po Tokio. Organizator najstarszego w Polsce slamu poetyckiego. Prowadzi zajęcia z kreatywnego pisania. Znalazł się w rankingu „Życia Warszawy” na 50 Wawoaktywnych, najbardziej aktywnych kulturalnie mieszkańców stolicy Polski. Współautor płyty "Olbrzym", członek wytwórni Skwer.org.
Summer Slam Days
A 3-day slam poetry festival in Budapest with Czech, Slovak, Polish and Hungarian slammers, providing a great opportunity for all ages to get acquainted or become more familiar with the genre, and meet some of its international representatives, with special attention to the V4 area.
Poetry slam in the past years is becoming more and more popular in the V4 countries. Three years ago Tilos Cultural Foundation successfully organized its Tilos Slam event, having invited slam poets from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. Tilos decided to continue the tradtion in order to reinforce the bond and exchange views on the development of the genre in Eastern Europe. This time, the gathering is more large-scale, as it is incorporated into two major Hungarian literature festivals and additionally into Tilos Radio’s annual fundraising week, the Tilos Marathon.
With the main support of the Visegrad Fund, the event consists of 3 main parts being held in 3 venues in Budapest. On the opening day of Margó Literature Festival (June 6), the program starts at Mika Tivadar Mulato with SLAM FACTORY, including a public talk, lecture, workshop, video screenings and Open Mic. The next day (June 7) is entitled TILOS SLAM SHOW, taking place at Durer-kert, with live radio broadcast, V4 group slam showcase and a multi-art poetry slam competiton. On the last day (June 8), the audience along with the V4 guests can witness a nationwide high-school slam, named SLAM SCHOOL POETRY at Akvarium Club. All programs are free.